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Detailed insights on revenue estimates, enrollment trends, search volumes, conversion rates and content quality analysis

Understand the market and identify areas of opportunity to design, create and improve courses and content
Key metrics and analytics data help you find profitable course ideas

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Analyze course ratings and student enrollment
Monitor monthly enrollment and engagement trends
Track rating and review trends
Evaluate keyword demand and competition comparison

Analyze topics for your courses
Stay ahead with topic demand and trend analysis
Analyze successful courses and instructors in your niche
Identify the most relevant and popular topics for your audience with the topic estimator
Stay updated on the latest trends in your niche to remain competitive

Analyze your competitors:
Analyze other instructors' courses and active courses
Evaluate average course ratings and ranking for topics
Monitor enrollment trends
Measure quality metrics
Identify top rating, top courses, and top competitors

Analyze keywords for your Course
Find the perfect keywords for your course
Analyze keyword ranking difficulty and traffic potential
Evaluate relative strength and value of specific keywords
Track keyword popularity over time
Discover similar keywords to target and identify in-demand topics for your audience with the topic estimator